The dynamic combination of “Trust and Verify” creates accelerated and predictable timelines, allowing for on-time product certification with the required high assurance level, and avoiding the substantial financial losses of missed deadlines.
Imagine a Common Criteria evaluation performed within a short and predictable timeframe, with the full benefit of the evaluator affirming with a high level of assurance that there are no exploitable vulnerabilities, all without the redundant mind-numbing paperwork.
TrustCB is a commercial Certification Body that provides high-assurance, unquestionable certification in a predictable, short timeframe. TrustCB specialises in certifying IT security products (and associated sites, processes and services) evaluated according to international and industry standards. We draw on the more than 45 years of experience in the certification and evaluation fields, which enables us to extrapolate the rigour of the Common Criteria certification process, and templatise and tailor this it to other verticals such as Global Ticketing, IoT, Connected & Mobile Devices and the Automotive sector. This creates accelerated and predictable timelines, allowing for on-time product launches and substantially reducing financial loss.
TrustCB is accredited by the Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) against requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services as laid down in the EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012. The details of the accreditation scope can be found here.